Monday, February 2, 2009


We got Ben Guitar Hero for the Wii and instead of him being the one to play it, it seems that I'm the one that's addicted to playing. So far I've beat the songs on easy and working on them on medium. I need to go and join a Guitar Hero Addict Anonymous or start my own group or something. All of you who play that or Rock Band are free to join!!


Me said...

That's sad Nicole, now you are no better than me.

Crystyne said...

You could make millions on an addiction group like that!

EternaLeppert said...

Hi, my name is Nicole, and I'm... I'm a.... (hang head here) I'm a Guitar Hero Addict!

Hey, there's no shame in that! We all have a talent! Share it with pride!! :)

Tiphaine Brewer said...

Ditto...that's me &'s an play the guitar...and I'll play the drums! Now all we need is a singer